An Oberservation: The Denton Border

"For by the grace given to me, I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he should think.  Instead think sensibly, as God has distributed a measure of faith to each one.  Now as we have many parts in one body, and all the parts do not have the same function, in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another."  - Romans 12:3-5

The other night I realized that I was still living along the border; only it wasn't a border culture between two countries, but one in the same city.

Downtown Denton

Downtown Denton is made up of local music artists and much creativity.  You can walk around the downtown square and enjoy live music on the sidewalk from a violinist or a small band on the grass of the former courthouse.  You can wake up to freshly brewed coffee from Jupiter House or enjoy a refreshing beer at the Oak Street Draft House.  Two of my personal favorite places are Recycled Books- a used bookstore at a former Opera House- and Mad Records- local shop that sells everything Vinyl.

There’s the hippie-like culture where it’s about peace, dumpster diving (and not just for furniture), and refusal of showers.  Then hipsters (different from hippies) who are as defined by a friend, "[hipsters] don't know they're hipsters." I tend to think buttoned shirts, long beards, skinny jeans, excessive coffee drinking, and simply organic.  Most significantly, there lacks an urgency for responsibility; an evident picture of, what many call, the "Peter-Pan" generation where all money and effort is spent in "finding yourself" and having a real job is selling out.

South Denton

South Denton is a radical portrait of "the other side" where there is change in culture and the structure of the city.  The Loop (a feeder highway that loops around Denton) houses an L.A. Fitness (equivalent to that of Gold's Gym), chain-food restaurants and several mainstream businesses such as 5 Guys Burgers, Men’s Warehouse, Barnes and Noble, and the notorious Best Buy.  The community is a little more established, family oriented, and faster paced. They've all grown up.

What happened to the live music? The local business? What about the local coffee shops?

Live music became an event, not a way of life.  The local business is a struggle.  And there was a Starbucks if you needed coffee. South Denton invests in roots and worst of all, “8-5” office jobs ((cue suspense music)).

One City. Two Cultures.

One city and two distinct cultures, both beautiful and able learn from one another.  Those in the downtown area, I can tell you that getting a real job to provide is actually a good thing, waking up early isn’t crazy, not every band is going to "make it,” and  organic is a system of organs or parts that work together to achieve one purpose creating change.  That’s right, a system.

For those in south Denton, not everything has to be done or finished yesterday.  There is value in walking around and enjoying the simplicities in life or laying on the grass while reading a book or listening to music, mainstream doesn't mean "better.”  I can buy the same UnderArmour shirt at a thrift store; I’m not cheap, but a bargain shopper.

The Way

If you enjoy locally brewed beer while wearing TOM's and riding a scooter as “the in” thing to do then that’s fine or if you like name brands, drink Starbucks' green tea every morning, and drive while talking on an ear-piece at 70 MPH on a 45 MPH zone because life is a schedule, I can't wait until you get kicked, but I get it.

Final Thoughts: we are not the way and because we're not the way, we are in need of a Savior; we're in need for Jesus who calls us to Himself because of His finished work on the cross.  That alone diminishes any and all sorts of statuses.

The truth is, we need the hippies AND the cookie cutters! Unity doesn't mean uniformity, but purpose.

Our identity does not lie in diversity, but in Jesus who has gifted us accordingly.  The beauty and purpose is reflecting and fulfilling one purpose: glorifying Jesus.

El Camino: July 2013 & Making Disciples

Hipster It's been 3 months already!?

The summer has been full of surprises and a constant work in progress with so many things happening at Christ Community Church: mission trips, leadership development, discipleships, and ownership.

Discipleship and meetings have been great, but have also been a great work; learning the culture on a daily basis, growing in friendships, and speaking truth into the lives of other men as they follow Jesus and desire to be used by Him.  Jesus has been giving me a heart for Denton and is constantly breaking my heart for our city.

At the bottom of all of this, my desire is to see people come to meet Jesus and be changed by the grace of His gospel.

Missional Communities

Two huge land-marks in the area of our missional communities: community groups and the start of college ministry.

As I type this, I am preparing material for this weekend as I meet with community group leaders and future leaders to talk about the vision and execution of goals and phases set in place for C3-Denton this coming fall and over-all year.  Leaders are stepping up by owning the mission of sharing the beauty of Jesus to the city by starting with their neighborhoods.












Denton houses two major universities: University of North Texas (UNT) and Texas Women's University (TWU).  Collectively, that's about 50,000 students on campus.  Much like El Valle, most of these students commute from near-by cities and unfortunately involvement is low.  Rather than trying to reach the mass with a small group of students, I'm taking a small group of students to disciple and equip so they can start a community group on/near campus, build relationships, and invest in the lives of other students.  In short, being faithful and intentional with little so that we may be faithful and intentional with much.


I have scheduled our first college-student meeting for the end of this month!


  • The weeks can be long and exhausting, prayer for strength to continue to move forward and invest.
  • The fall will be exciting and as we move forward in our missional communities, that we constantly look towards Jesus to guide us and provide wisdom for the future.
  • Discernment as we move forward with new opportunities within missional communities.


Wrap Up

God has been providing much this summer and I am extremely thankful.  I am enjoying my time in Denton as Jesus has been teaching me much about myself and my need for Him daily.  Right now, I am in the process of moving into a new apartment this month which I'm very excited for! I can't wait to get my furniture out of storage and have a stable home.  And finally, as many of you can imagine, I deeply miss botanas.

Financial Update: Thank You for your continued support and generosity! It has been a great encouragement of God's provision!  As  I continue to raise financial support, many needs have been met while I am still praying and working diligently towards others. Would you prayerfully consider financially supporting me as God has placed me on mission in Denton?

  • Two Gifts of: $1000
  • One Year Commitment of $100/mo.
  • One Year Commitment of $75/mo.
  • Special Gift of_______________

All gifts are tax-deductible and you have two ways to give:

  1. Write a check payable to: Christ Community Church.  On the memo line, write: Marco A. De Leon.  Mail to: PO Box 2402 | Denton, TX 76202
  2. You can give online: On the drop down menu, select: Staff Member Support- Marco De Leon.

Amigos, Thank You!

Follow The Series: Valluco en Denton

Follow Me on Instagram (@Beardeleon) for more of what's happening in Denton!


El Camino: June 2013

And it happened! The Lord called me out of my beloved Valle del Rio Grande and placed me in the city of Denton, Texas.  Yes, Denton.  A city known for it's thriving independently owned businesses, hipster culture, and ever-growing music scene.  The call began in the fall of 2012 as I felt the Lord was preparing my heart to be sent out.  I didn't know that Denton was going to be the destination, but as God's sovereignty prevails, I ever-so coincidently met the Lead Pastor of C3-Denton (Christ Community Church) during the Valley United Men's Conference this past January.  Pastor Ross Appleton and I shared similar passions regarding discipleship and reaching our cities by being a city from within. It seemed like I was on my knees for weeks in prayer and seeking Godly council and it was then that I knew God was giving me the "green light."  I left my family and close friends behind in light of this call, but am forging new relationships and coming into a new extension of family in Denton.

El Valle

Why Denton? Denton is one of the least churched cities in north Texas; secure in individualism and creativity, Jesus Christ our Savior is faintly seen.  Denton has a large student population and families are growing- the city is starving for the Gospel and Jesus-centered community.  I will be working to equip and disciple others here to share the Gospel through missional communities.  That's the goal: make disciples that make disciples.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2 (ESV)

Missional Communities

Parish groups (community groups) are the life-blood of the church; community and faith lived out; a time for bible study, prayer, and repentance; a time for fellowship and hospitality.  The Holy Spirit made it clear that my time was going to be fully devoted to our parish leaders: equipping and discipling them to be on mission with Jesus.

C3 Sunday

As the summer progresses, my job is to help leaders rest and recover, disciple their hearts, and see Jesus do a work in them so the joy of their salvation may be restored!


  • That I may lead by serving through humility.
  • That the Lord would raise future leaders to be parish leaders and coaches.
  • For wisdom and clarity as I prepare for the fall.

Wrap Up

By God's grace as I move forward through the summer, I want to Thank You for all of your support- through finances, hospitality, and prayer! I would not be able to be in Denton doing what I love if it wasn't for your generosity and support.

Financial Update: Financial support is coming in- Thank You! Currently, I am still working and praying towards raising my full salary. The goal is to raise $25,000 for the year and am in need of the last $15,000.  Would you be willing to become a supporter for the mission God has called me to?

  • Gift of: $5,000
  • Two gifts of: $1,000
  • One Year commitment of: $100/mo.
  • One Year commitment of: $50/mo.
  • Special Gift:________

All gifts are tax-deductible and you have two ways to give:

  1. Write a check payable to: Christ Community Church.  On the memo line, write: Marco A. De Leon.  Mail to: PO Box 2402 | Denton, TX 76202
  2. You can give online: On the drop down menu, select: Staff Member Support- Marco De Leon.

Thank You Again!

¡Hasta luego, amigos!

Follow The Series: Valluco en Denton

Grace and Identity

"The Lord will send you to strange places to teach you about His sovereignty." - Pastor Leonce Crump

And it happened. I moved to Denton, Texas.  A city rich in diversity with friendly people, thriving local businesses, and a fascinating "hipster" culture.


As quickly as I was welcomed, I was challenged just as fast. Denton: a wonderfully remarkable culmination of the church and the unchurched.  We begin our series by discussing religious backgrounds in need of a Savior.  We begin with Grace and Identity.

Los Vallucos y Familia

In El Valle, despite Catholic cultivation and traditions, the majority didn't come from a churched background.  For many, the model of religious principles was being raised as Mexicans and indoctrinated as Catholics which meant that being called Catholic was another way of being called “Hispanic.”  Frankly, I never met a Christian that was a Mexican until I became a one!

Several years ago, some friends and I went to a local pub in McAllen where the Catholic Church had an open-question session called "Theology on Tap."  While the priest didn't drink, I'll be the first to say that my beer was delicious.  More importantly, it was the young priest's response to a question from someone in the audience: "tradition can trump Scripture."

Family is the official religion.  Parties are the gathering, dinners are community groups, tortillas y tequila are the elements of communion, and getting drunk is being filled with the Holy Spirit.  Religion was stellar and following this model meant having a "pass" on everything else.

You remember, member?

Identity is founded the family; teaching against this was considered heresy.

The Bible Belt of Texas

North Texas is referred to by many as "The Bible Belt" and the claim many will make is that everyone is a Christian.  The majority of the population was raised in the church, come from generations of church attendees, and could recite verses from the Bible by the time they could speak.  Orale.

I've had the privilege of sitting down with several people and having heard their stories, it seems everyone can remember their upbringing in church: bible trivia games during Sunday school, wearing their “Sunday’s Best,” knowing clear and distinct differences between Baptists and Presbyterians, and most importantly finding their self-worth in religious morale.

Questioning the Christian Checklist is heresy.

The "Nitty-Gritty"

As I reflected on both cultures, I realized that there is a dismissal of grace and identity, though it is the same Gospel that brings them to Jesus.

In El Valle, identity is grounded in the matters of the family.  Disgrace or disapproval meant the abandonment of god; leaving little to no room for forgiveness.  Anyone suffering from an identity crisis turns to whatever is pleasing to the flesh in hopes that it will give them value, security, or peace.

In the Bible Belt, identity fell in the matters of "Christian Law" and when the law was broken many were left in confusion, shame, and at loss of value bearing remorse and a tragic understanding that taught repentance was only for the perfect.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not the result of works, so that no one may boast." -Ephesians 2:8

The Grace of Jesus' Gospel

How does Jesus’ gospel draw these two cultures to Him?

By extending grace, forgiveness, and faithfulness that is found in Him.

For the Valluco, the Gospel means hearing some of the most significant words anyone could say to their children, “You are forgiven and I love you.”  The Gospel means finding value, security, and peace in Jesus because He is faithful, just, merciful, gracious, and kind.  It's not about perfection, but forgiveness.

For the Bible Belt Christian, the Gospel is being covered by the grace that is in Jesus not by works or lack of work, but because of His finished work on the Cross; works are a response to the saving grace of Jesus Christ not a means of acceptance.

It is through Jesus where grace and identity are restored as He reconciled the churched and unchurched to Himself through His work on the Cross.  Amen.

Hasta manana, si Dios nos da la vida, amigos...


Give To The Mission: Valluco En Denton

Valluco En Denton: The Mission

¡Buenas! It's been too long since I have written anything for the beloved Puro Valluco.  The past several months have encompassed everything from business traveling and being in a different city every week to making the official move to Denton, Texas and finally settling in my new home for however long my Jesus calls me here.

In any event, writing and things written are coming your way in a new series.

Oh, watcha, todo fancy "making a series."

Yes, a series.  Titles are in process and stories are in the works.  Blogs for other topics will still be written and categorized accordingly.

The series/missional campaign is titled Valluco En Denton.  I'll be writing and keeping you posted on the diversity that is Denton, updates will follow as Jesus' name is proclaimed throughout the city, and celebrations will be, for lack of a better word, celebrated as Jesus builds His church.

Why Denton? Denton is a city rich in diversity- culturally, musically, artistically, and most importantly, individually.  While the city of Denton is founded within the "Bible Belt" of Texas, it is one of the least churched cities in north Texas.  While many know the name of Jesus, few have a relationship with Him.  Denton is filled with creativity and community; two powerful means of communicating the Gospel of Jesus to a people longing for identity.


The mission: Making disciples of Jesus and sharing His gospel with those who do not know Him.

Blogs will be posted on the 1st and 5th of each month with the exception of June’s blog; tomorrow it will be live.

If you would like to support the mission (blog coming soon!) Valluco En Dentongive here.

Gracias for the visits, reads, support, and prayer.  It means so much and is greatly appreciated.  Orale, simon?

En Cristo,
