El Camino: July 2013 & Making Disciples
The summer has been full of surprises and a constant work in progress with so many things happening at Christ Community Church: mission trips, leadership development, discipleships, and ownership.
Discipleship and meetings have been great, but have also been a great work; learning the culture on a daily basis, growing in friendships, and speaking truth into the lives of other men as they follow Jesus and desire to be used by Him. Jesus has been giving me a heart for Denton and is constantly breaking my heart for our city.
At the bottom of all of this, my desire is to see people come to meet Jesus and be changed by the grace of His gospel.
Missional Communities
Two huge land-marks in the area of our missional communities: community groups and the start of college ministry.
As I type this, I am preparing material for this weekend as I meet with community group leaders and future leaders to talk about the vision and execution of goals and phases set in place for C3-Denton this coming fall and over-all year. Leaders are stepping up by owning the mission of sharing the beauty of Jesus to the city by starting with their neighborhoods.
Denton houses two major universities: University of North Texas (UNT) and Texas Women's University (TWU). Collectively, that's about 50,000 students on campus. Much like El Valle, most of these students commute from near-by cities and unfortunately involvement is low. Rather than trying to reach the mass with a small group of students, I'm taking a small group of students to disciple and equip so they can start a community group on/near campus, build relationships, and invest in the lives of other students. In short, being faithful and intentional with little so that we may be faithful and intentional with much.
I have scheduled our first college-student meeting for the end of this month!
- The weeks can be long and exhausting, prayer for strength to continue to move forward and invest.
- The fall will be exciting and as we move forward in our missional communities, that we constantly look towards Jesus to guide us and provide wisdom for the future.
- Discernment as we move forward with new opportunities within missional communities.
Wrap Up
God has been providing much this summer and I am extremely thankful. I am enjoying my time in Denton as Jesus has been teaching me much about myself and my need for Him daily. Right now, I am in the process of moving into a new apartment this month which I'm very excited for! I can't wait to get my furniture out of storage and have a stable home. And finally, as many of you can imagine, I deeply miss botanas.
Financial Update: Thank You for your continued support and generosity! It has been a great encouragement of God's provision! As I continue to raise financial support, many needs have been met while I am still praying and working diligently towards others. Would you prayerfully consider financially supporting me as God has placed me on mission in Denton?
- Two Gifts of: $1000
- One Year Commitment of $100/mo.
- One Year Commitment of $75/mo.
- Special Gift of_______________
All gifts are tax-deductible and you have two ways to give:
- Write a check payable to: Christ Community Church. On the memo line, write: Marco A. De Leon. Mail to: PO Box 2402 | Denton, TX 76202
- You can give online: https://c3denton.onthecity.org/give/start. On the drop down menu, select: Staff Member Support- Marco De Leon.
Amigos, Thank You!
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