Valluco En Denton: The Mission

¡Buenas! It's been too long since I have written anything for the beloved Puro Valluco.  The past several months have encompassed everything from business traveling and being in a different city every week to making the official move to Denton, Texas and finally settling in my new home for however long my Jesus calls me here.

In any event, writing and things written are coming your way in a new series.

Oh, watcha, todo fancy "making a series."

Yes, a series.  Titles are in process and stories are in the works.  Blogs for other topics will still be written and categorized accordingly.

The series/missional campaign is titled Valluco En Denton.  I'll be writing and keeping you posted on the diversity that is Denton, updates will follow as Jesus' name is proclaimed throughout the city, and celebrations will be, for lack of a better word, celebrated as Jesus builds His church.

Why Denton? Denton is a city rich in diversity- culturally, musically, artistically, and most importantly, individually.  While the city of Denton is founded within the "Bible Belt" of Texas, it is one of the least churched cities in north Texas.  While many know the name of Jesus, few have a relationship with Him.  Denton is filled with creativity and community; two powerful means of communicating the Gospel of Jesus to a people longing for identity.


The mission: Making disciples of Jesus and sharing His gospel with those who do not know Him.

Blogs will be posted on the 1st and 5th of each month with the exception of June’s blog; tomorrow it will be live.

If you would like to support the mission (blog coming soon!) Valluco En Dentongive here.

Gracias for the visits, reads, support, and prayer.  It means so much and is greatly appreciated.  Orale, simon?

En Cristo,


EL Valle y Los Sunday's

It's 5:30 a.m. and the morning's night is cold and the further distance outside of the city limits the more quiet it is. As the coffee brews and my mind begins to realize that I'm awake, I smell the familiar scent that travels through every Valluco's nose, one that is strange to the outsider, but an embrace of home to the natives: tortillas.  While coffee has an aroma that allows most to start their day, the smell of freshly hand-made tortillas puts it to shame. It's Sunday.  A day where masses will gather to celebrate Diosito and praise Him for the cross.  It's a time of mariachi.  It's a time for the mariachi to shine their boots and tune their instruments before driving to the church.  It's a time for fathers to be at HEB, Junior's, Jesse's, or Dorita's shopping for the best meat and seasoning at 6:00 a.m.  It's a time for hijos y hijas to wake up and make sure their siblings are getting ready for church while moms, abuelitas (who we called "bueli"), and cousins are getting the food in order so when they get back from church, they can begin cooking.

It's Sunday.  A day where families will worship the tradition of religion through the church.  It's a time where families will become one despite the events that passed during the week.  It's a day where children are made much of at church and during the BBQ.  It's a time where the party begins at 12:00 p.m. and we don't believe in invitations.

It's Sunday.  A day where families from los barrios go over to everyone else's home to celebrate the arrival of Sunday.  It's a time where fathers begin their weekly routine of lighting the fire: some with charcoal over a cast-iron BBQ pit, some with mesquite logs over a caja de muerto, and others with kindle, twigs, and large branches in between three cinder blocks on the ground with a grill set on top.  It's a time where rituals mean nothing more than bringing the family together.

It's Sunday.  A time where the poor are rich.  It's a time where jokes are made and the laughing is so hard that one needs to be fanned down because they may choke on the very air they're trying to breathe.  It's a time where soccer games are played- "Football es para los americanos."  It's a time for service and the communion of family.

It's Sunday.


El Oso