Meals: Heart and Stomach

"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with them. The people that give you their food give you their heart." - Cesar Chavez


When meals are cooked, it's a reminder that the table is a place for gathering a family and hearts are exposed because of the stories everyone shares.  It's a building of relationships and a reminder that we are relational beings.

A meal is a social occasion and sharing that time with someone creates opportunity for trust.  Truth and food are directly linked to the heart of an individual. 

If your goal is to speak truth into the life of an individual, but you do not care for their heart first, then you have basically eaten the meal you cooked in front of them without offering and then throwing it away.

You did nothing.

Seize an opportunity to bless someone with a meal, then their heart and the truth will follow; like food, it's something we need. 

Mother's Day or Dia de las Madres?

The holiday passed. We know. And we're sorry. But this post wouldn't be very Valley if it was on time, though we're on board to change that. Eventually.

If you haven't realized, the Valley is a cultured area where holidays such as Mother's Day are taken very seriously and are celebrated grandiosely. 

Every restaurant is packed and all the grocery stores have run out of charcoal and lighter fluid.

But that's not the challenge. The challenge is knowing when to celebrate Mother's Day or Dia de la Madres.

Living in a border town can often be pretty confusing. The majority of our families are of Mexican-descent so it would only be natural to celebrate Dia de las Madres on the 10th, which is the celebration date in Mexico.

But there's this unspoken tension about technically living in the United States so celebrating Mother's Day should be left for celebrating on May 11th.

I see 3 options: 

  • Celebrate both days because you can't go wrong in making much of your mom for a full weekend.
  • Choose to celebrate on the 10th or the 11th, but make a big deal in leading up to whichever day you decide; a surprise.
  • Stop being a menso in using the 11th as an excuse to buy your mom something because you completely forgot that it was Dia de las Madres and you're "saved by the date."

I know you're still living at home with your mom anyway. You might as well make the weekend all about her and do her laundry for a change. 

How Fast Can A Stone Heart Sink?

By: Sergio De Leon

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you;
I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26)

There are few things that are more dangerous for the believer than sin.

Don’t get me wrong, sin alone is the ultimate separation from our Lord and Savior.  I am not saying that some sin is ok – not at all. Sin, when repented of (the true meaning of repentance,) leads us only to forgiveness, mercy, and grace.  Paul tells us that “conviction is only through His kindness, and it leads to repentance,” meaning we are allowed to be convicted in order to be in the presence of the Lord, blameless and clean….BECAUSE HE LOVES US.

So, what can be more harmful than sin itself?

A heart of  stone.

A heart of stone is the outcome of a reliance in self and a complacency in God’s mercy for oneself.  We forget about who God is and rely on what we can do, or can’t do for that matter. We often find ourselves caught in the “I know” stage or working for the sake of pattern. This soon becomes monotony in our lives.  We forget about the Gospel. We forget about the joy that we had when we were saved.  This is why the Psalmist writes,

“Restore the joy of Your salvation to me, and give me a willing spirit.” (Psalm 51:12)

When a heart of stone is fully developed, it functions as a sound barrier between God and us.

No transition can get through; therefore you grow cold and choose to continually rely on yourself. The pebbles of self-reliance grow and become a boulder. Your heart is a heart of stone.  You choose not to repent.  Sin left un-repented of is death.

So what’s the medication? How do we begin to erode the stone to reveal flesh?  The prescription is this: You recognize who God is and who you are not.

You must come under the authority of Jesus and remember He who saved you, because He loved, loves and will love you.

Understanding that the only way to break the stone is through the authority of Christ will do several things:

1.  You will know who you were…and who you are now because of Jesus.  

2.  You will repent of your sin and start chipping the stone.

3.  You will thank God for mercy and grace.

4.  You will have the joy of your salvation restored.

5.  You will know, trust, and share the Gospel! 

All these things are great news! It all starts with knowing who God is and who you are not.

So how deep can a stone heart sink?  To the deepest trench.  The question really is, will you sink with it, or will you watch it sink?

"He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the Lord."
(Psalm 40:3)