Meals: Heart and Stomach

"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with them. The people that give you their food give you their heart." - Cesar Chavez


When meals are cooked, it's a reminder that the table is a place for gathering a family and hearts are exposed because of the stories everyone shares.  It's a building of relationships and a reminder that we are relational beings.

A meal is a social occasion and sharing that time with someone creates opportunity for trust.  Truth and food are directly linked to the heart of an individual. 

If your goal is to speak truth into the life of an individual, but you do not care for their heart first, then you have basically eaten the meal you cooked in front of them without offering and then throwing it away.

You did nothing.

Seize an opportunity to bless someone with a meal, then their heart and the truth will follow; like food, it's something we need.