At the end of the movie, The Replacements, Gene Hackman says that the men on the football team go to live what every athlete dreams for: a second chance. I don't know any dude who isn't looking for a second chance. There's a reason high school "glory days" exist, many wish they could do it all over again- differently.
For the most part, men have endless pursuits or love the TV a little too much because they either don’t want to make the same mistake twice so others don’t think wrongly of them or have simply given up. To many, it’s never enough while others will settle for the Star Wars bed sheets. But what if we had the opportunity to start new?
What would you do if you were given that opportunity?
The Bible gives one of the most impactful messages to men: redemption. Redemption is a beautiful second chance, the kind with no strings attached. It’s the kind of chance that doesn’t remind you of what you did or didn’t do the last time, but an opportunity to be redeemed; to no longer exist in the mistakes you committed; to no longer be driven by a motivation that has an underlying foundation of fear; to exist as what you were created for: worship.
In redemption, we are new not because of what we did or haven’t done, but because of the person and work of Christ Jesus. We are Christ’s workmanship which means that when He created us, we were given purpose; clear and intentional purpose (Ephesians 2:10). Redemption gives you identity.
Men, in our pursuit of Christ, redemption is the second chance. And the first thing you’re given with that second chance is an identity, a clear understanding of who you are because of who Christ is.REDEMPTION