New Series...That Started A Few Weeks Ago
A few weeks ago, we began a new series on Colossians at Storehouse McAllen and it has been incredibly fruitful for our congregation. Our goal through Colossians is to showcase the supremacy of Christ in all things and as a result of this, we can be assured of his sufficiency.
In Colossians, we are reminded that salvation is found in and through Christ alone and that our walk with Christ directly affects and impacts our ethics, our relationships, our vocation, and ultimately our daily lives. The Apostle Paul always does a fantastic work of making sure we understand that theology is never separate from practice.
Colossians has sparked great late-night conversations with my wife and I and our Missional Community on the topics of thanksgiving as worship and how we perceive the risen Christ—do we perceive Him in a way that is incomplete or like the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:15-20?
Further, Colossians is timely for our young church (this year, we celebrate FOUR years!) and many of the things Paul writes to them about we share as a congregation; things such as spiritual growth, maturity, engaging false teaching, and most significantly a high view of Christology.
We’ll work through Colossians all the way through May, but we’ll be taking a break for Holy Week which fits perfectly with the theme of Christ’s supremacy so I’m excited about that.
Check out the sermon series HERE and as usual, if you’re looking for some book recommendations, I’ve hooked you up below.
1. Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D.A. Carson
2. Enjoying God: Experience the Power and Love of God in Everyday Life