A Valley Reminder

By: Marco De Leon

I was driving to Roosevelt's (local pub in McAllen) and became frustrated as drivers strategically prevented me from arriving on time.  It's as if everyone knew where I was going and collectively decided to give me smiles at 20 mph in a 45 mph zones.

The Clock

As I sped up to give drivers a verbal two cents, it hit me. I am part of the generation that is focused on lusting after the finish line that we forget about the race. We want everything for the now to live in the future and decided to suffocate by agenda.

The drivers of the Rio Grande Valley taught me something important: I can't beat the clock. The Valley is an area where time doesn't exist for the majority of its residents. Change is heretical and isn't appreciated and several cities are a representation of what the Valley once was.

The Point

The Valley is a great place for a reminder: the appreciation for what used to be is nurtured and most days I'm too focused on the expansion of what I think I own, am entitled to, or deserve.

Amigos, the Valley houses some of the only survivors of time and have been placed in our direction in order to point us back to humility.

Stop taking yourself seriously. Be Still. 
