Review: Valley Vintage Shop Beard Balm
The two most common questions I get about my beard are how long have you been growing your beard? And what do you use for to take care of your beard? This short review is an effort to answer all of your beard-curious questions because the bottom line is that every man should have a beard and if you can't have one, hang out with someone who does.
As far as the length of my beard, I have been letting it grow for about 2 years and in various seasons, namely every couple of months, my lovely wife trims it. I cry a little and ask not to trim any of the length, but she does a pretty snappy job at cleaning the sides. When released, my beard can grow pretty out of control so trimming the sides helps me to look somewhat like a person.
Now, in terms of what I use for care, I'm a huge fan of Valley Vintage Shop's (VVS) beard balm. It's what I've always used and have zero complaints about it. In May, Amanda at VVS released the Pipe Tobacco scented beard balm and before I get into the wonders that it is, let me give you two quick reasons on why you need to take care of your beard and then a final reason as to why you should check out Valley Vintage Shop.
Beard Care
First, taking care of your beard is a big deal especially if your beard is the type that requires maintenance. It is a fact that some beards simply don't need as much as others. The majority of us need help. Beard balm provides essential oils that help keep your beard healthy.
Second, the oils in balm are vitamins for your beard and the beard needs them! Your hands suck. The oils secreted by your hands can actually damage the health of your beard. If you mess with your beard often, then buy balm and a comb!
Valley Vintage Shop
Here's what I love about VVS beard balm: every ingredient that is used is natural and safe for you and the beard. This is a big deal because many beards can be sensitive to various products that can damage facial hair.
While there is an array of options, I suggest the coffee scented balm or the pipe tobacco balm. In my opinion, the textures of these two balms and their oils help increase the health of the beard (I've noticed a difference). Additionally, beard balm keeps the beard soft and moist whereas beard oil, I feel, can make it dry causing you to reapply more.
Beard balm is a great gift for the man, ladies. And men, you simply need to buy it because it's time. Trust me.
Check out Valley Vintage Shop for their balms and other great gift ideas.
Recent shot of my beautiful wife, myself, and the beard.