New Series and Missions
Yesterday, we began a new sermon series titled "Kingdom Come." It'll be a series that carries us through the beginning of September; pretty trippy to think that September is only a matter of days away. In any case, this series is meant to prepare our hearts for our final transition as a church: moving locations to central McAllen.
Over the past several months, Storehouse Community has been in a season of transition and growth. It's been incredibly encouraging to see our people commit their lives to one another for the purpose of furthering the kingdom; no local church is perfect, but we serve a perfect Jesus.
My prayer during this series is that we would grow in our understanding of what it means to be kingdom minded as we move forward. Central McAllen is rich in culture and tradition; right at the heart of the city and the center of the arts district, historic district, and entertainment district. Our desire is to be a church that is in the city and for the city, meaning that we look to meet the needs of our city--physically, culturally, and spiritually.
We opened our time yesterday with God's vision for the kingdom and over the course of the next several weeks we'll begin to narrow down this vision to what it looks like for God's kingdom to come in the everyday of our lives and finally into the life of our city.
Check out the sermon if you missed yesterday: Kingdom Come | God's Kingdom Vision
In addition to our time, we prayed over Nathanael and Nicole Sommers; two missionaries from Indiana that came to McAllen two years ago through an organization called World Gospel Mission (WGM). Over the past year, Nathanael (who we call "Nano") became our director of missions and mobilization and has done a tremendous work building this ministry; first by educating and casting vision for local and international missions at Storehouse Community and then by leading the start of several local outreach opportunities.
Nathanael and his wife Nicole serve two-year terms with WGM before having to return to Indiana for a debriefing over their time on the border--discussing how things went and what could be improved--and to begin raising financial support for their next 4 years in the Valley. Nano has been one of my closest friends, especially during this season of transition, and has helped shepherd my heart in the midst of difficulty. He and his wife have been an instrumental part of our ministry and I believe this is only the beginning for them.
Nano and Nicole's goal is to raise funds (both for their salary and ministry at WGM) by December of 2017. I wanted to take this opportunity to covet your prayers as they travel throughout the midwest and for favor as they raise financial support. Additionally, I'd like to provide a few links so that if you are led by the Holy Spirit to financially support them (reguluarly or one-time), you can (below). I'd love for them to be back in December in the place they now feel like is their home--McAllen.
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