Book Review: Gospel Eldership | Equipping A New Generation of Servant Leaders by Robert Thune
Gospel Eldership by Robert Thune quickly rose to the top of my list during my time off last month. It was one of the most edifying books I've read this summer; helping me evaluate myself and my relationship with the Lord, my family, and those I serve. In short, it was incredibly convicting and sanctifying.
If you aspire to be an elder at your local church, lead other leaders in ministry, or are in disciple relationships with other men, then this is a book that I recommend you work through as soon as possible. During my time off, I journaled through this book as Thune assigns verses and short articles to read throughout the short chapters. The piercing of the heart, at least for me, came from the questions in light of the reading. They helped and forced me to address sin issues in my own heart that led me to confession and repentance in many areas of my life.
It's immensely practical and a valuable tool for any team. Thune takes big topic matters and places a microscope on them to help you address how you relate to them such as frustrations in ministry, conflict and resolution, and specific questions and insights pertaining to the role of what a pastor is. Gospel Eldership is rich in theology and Thune's approach to the hearts of men in ministry through this book is wonderful and pastoral.
There are many books that have been written on the call of elders in the church or the 10,000 foot view of what it means to be an elder and I think they're great resources. However, Robert Thune's books provides a much needed emphasis on the realities of those in pastoral ministry and for those aspiring to the call. Because it's a work-book, it's format is elaborate and specific which means you really can't skip ahead until you address each question and reading.
In the initial pages, Thune gives the reader 4 expectations when reading this book (p.6):
• Expect to be challenged.
• Expect to be surprised.
• Expect a deeper level of community.
• Expect a deeper love for Christ and his church.
The book delivers each one of these expectations over and over. When you walk through it, you will be challenged spiritually and emotionally; provoked to action and evaluation of your life. You will be surprised because you're being challenged! In other words, you will quickly uncover your heart condition and selfishness. And if you decide to walk through this book with others, it will definitely help to bring together a strong brotherhood (I'm excited to lead a few of my guys through this book!). And finally, because it is very clear and compelling about pastoral ministry, it will help you to understand church leadership practically.
If this quick review sounds like something you'd want to work through with your team or your boys, then I would highly encourage you to check it out: Gospel Eldership: Equipping A New Generation of Servant Leaders by Robert Thune.